Can Glucosamine Capsules Be Opened?

Glucosamine capsules can be safely opened. 

Most glucosamine capsules are offered in two-piece capsules, where the two halves can be slid apart. 

The now-loose powder can then be consumed in a variety of ways, such as adding it to food or drinks. Glucosamine powder doesn’t tend to taste very pleasant on it’s own, so it is best to mix it with something else before swallowing. 

One difficulty with opening glucosamine capsules is that they can be quite fiddly to open. This is especially so if you happen to have arthritic fingers. The smaller doses, such as the 500mg capsules, are quite petite in size, further complicating the issue. 

It may prove easier to carefully cut the capsule open with a kitchen knife rather than attempting to manually pull the two parts away from each other. 

Why Open a Glucosamine Capsule?

There are really only a handful of reasons why you might want to consider opening a glucosamine capsule. These are:

To take a smaller dose. Perhaps you have purchased 1500mg capsules, and now want to try taking a 1000mg or even 500mg dose to see if you get the same benefits.

More commonly, you’re struggling to swallow a large capsule. Because let’s be honest; some glucosamine capsules are pretty large, and capsules of this size aren’t always easy to swallow.

No matter why you’re looking to open your glucosamine capsules, take heed that there are other options available to you which may be more appropriate as outlined below.

Alternatives to Opening Glucosamine Capsules

It isn’t necessary to go to the trouble of opening up your glucosamine capsules. Instead, some of the following alternatives may prove more suitable.

Liquid Glucosamine

Glucosamine can now be bought in liquid form. You just swallow a teaspoon or two of the fruit-flavoured liquid. It’s a lot easier and more pleasant than trying to swallow capsules. Whilst quite a recent development in the supplement industry, there are now quite a few competing products to choose from.

Glucosamine Tablets

Some people find tablets easier than capsules to swallow, especially if the tablets are coated. In that way they slide down the throat more easily, rather than getting stuck to your tongue or the inside of your mouth. 

Smaller Glucosamine Capsules

Glucosamine comes in a wide range of different strengths. While it isn’t always the case, generally a smaller dose will come in smaller tablets or capsules. These, in turn, can be much easier to swallow; you can simply take a greater number of tablets or capsules to make up your required daily intake. As an example, if you have been benefiting from 1000mg of glucosamine per day, but find the capsules too large to swallow, you could instead change to taking two 500mg capsules per day. 

Pill Cutters

Lastly, rather than trying to force apart the two halves of your glucosamine capsules you could consider using a pill cutter to achieve a similar aim. Using a pill cutter tends to be quicker and far less fiddly, yet still exposes the loose glucosamine powder within.